
Reading&Debating: The Shock of the Fall

28 Novembro 2016, 14:00 Ana Rita Martins

Reading&Debating: The Shock of the Fall (last 100 pages)

Material for the written test:
Novel: The Shock of the Fall
Grammar: Modal Verbs, Passive Voice & Conditionals

Revise: Paragraph Writing

Virgínia Woold and feminisms

28 Novembro 2016, 12:00 Zuzanna Zarebska

Students's presentations. Introduction to V Woolf's feminisms and theory of close reading. Reading for content. Revision past tenses.

Reading&Debating: The Shock of the Fall

28 Novembro 2016, 10:00 Ana Rita Martins

Reading&Debating: The Shock of the Fall (last 100 pages)

Material for the written test:
Novel: The Shock of the Fall
Grammar: Modal Verbs, Passive Voice & Conditionals

Revise: Paragraph Writing

Reading&Debating: The Shock of the Fall

28 Novembro 2016, 08:00 Ana Rita Martins

Reading&Debating: The Shock of the Fall (last 100 pages)

Material for the written test:
Novel: The Shock of the Fall
Grammar: Modal Verbs, Passive Voice & Conditionals

Revise: Paragraph Writing

Grammar. Reading & Discussion.

23 Novembro 2016, 14:00 Ana Rita Martins

Grammar: Conditionals. In-class exercises.

Reading & Debating: The Shock of the Fall

Homework: Finish reading the novel The Shock of the Fall