Unidade Curricular | Course Unit
Inglês Limiar Avançado (B1.2) |
Código da Unidade Curricular | Course ID
ENG2.11904 |
ECTS | Credits
6 |
Ciclo de Estudos | Level
1 |
Semestre | Semester
1 |
Docente(s) | Instructor(s)
Katarzyna Karpowicz-Osowska, Katie Gray Craven |
Língua de ensino | Language of instruction
Inglês |
Programa (na língua de ensino) | Course description (in language of instruction)
The organisation of this course will be defined to a large extent by two key types of source materials used in class: TED talks and literature (short stories and essays) which will serve as the basis for relevant language work. We will read a number of short stories which will be discussed both orally and in writing. Other learning materials will include press articles and resources from coursebooks for learners of English.
Special attention will be given to public speaking – students will regularly be asked to prepare short presentations on various topics (in class), as well as a longer one (ca. 5 minutes, TED talk style) which will be marked (those will be spread throughout the semester too). Students will also discuss different topics of interest (everyday situations, professional perspectives, ethical problems, global issues) as part of pair and group work. Students will learn paragraph writing and will be asked to write a number of paragraphs (as homework), one of which will be compulsory and will count towards their final grade. Compositions handed in after the deadline set by the teacher will not be accepted. Plagiarised work will receive 0 mark.
One of the course’s aims will be to expand students’ vocabulary and increase their accuracy by working through some potentially problematic areas of English grammar. Students’ progress in this regard will be assessed through two written tests. |
Avaliação (na língua de ensino) | Grading and Assessment (in language of instruction)
Attendance and class participation ……….........15% Test 1…………………………………………...…..20% Test 2…………………………………………….…25% Oral presentation……………………...…………..20% Essay ……………………………..........................20% TheTests will be written in class on the following dates (subject to confirmation): Test 1 - 25 Oct Test 2 - 6 Dec |
Bibliografia (selection) | Readings (selection)
The student’s coursebook (available from “Reprografia Vermelha”) will be a selection of materials from various sources – it will include short stories, newspaper articles, and materials from grammar manuals and ELT coursebooks, in particular: Stephenson, Helen. Keynote Upper-Intermediate. Hampshire: National Geographic Learning, Cengage 2015. Oshima, Alice and Ann Hogue. Introduction to Academic Writing. White Plains, NY: Pearson/Longman, 2007. Marcus, Sybil. A World of Fiction. Twenty Timeless Short Stories. White Plains, NY: Pearson/LOngman, 2005. |