First Writing Test and Homework Assignments

11 Março 2020, 14:00 EDUARDA MELO CABRITA

First Writing Test

The first Writing Test will be held, as scheduled, on 18th March.  This test is now worth 10% of your final grade. The second Writing Test is now worth 40% of your final grade.

The test will be done at home during class hours

·         ·         TP10 Eduarda Melo Cabrita between 2-4 p.m.

Each group will be sent the test by email 5 minutes before the test is due to start. Please make sure that you are prepared and ready to start at the appointed time, as above indicated.

You have two hours to do the test, as usual.

You must send your answers by email (saved as a Word file) 15 minutes after 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., respectively, at the latest.

Tests submitted later than the appointed time (i.e. 10:15 and 16:15) shall not be marked, and the student will get a zero out of 20.

Homework assignments*

Assignment 1) Writing activity 2: 'A recent challenge/achievement'

Before you write, make some notes on the following:

1.      What was your challenge? (were you learning a new sport/how to drive, etc.)

2.      Where were you?

3.      How did you feel?

4.      What was the experience like? /What did the challenge involve?

5.      Who helped you?

6.      Did you try any special techniques?

7.      Did you succeed?

Then use your notes to write an account of a recent challenge or achievement of yours in about 180 words.

You may use some of these key phrases, if you wish:

·         I found it really easy/quite difficult.

·         It was the … I had trouble with.

·         I was /We were very nervous.

·         At first, I couldn’t … but then I started to …

·         One thing I tried …

·         I tried to/experimented with … but it didn’t work / I couldn’t …

·         I got very frustrated/annoyed/tired.

·         I didn’t know how to …

·         I’m (so) glad /Eventually I managed it.

·         It was a (really) difficult challenge/good experience …

·         For me, it was quite an achievement.

On page 34 of the Workbook. you have an example of what your essay could look like ('A beautiful language, by Jim').

Assignment 1 is due on Friday, 13th March not later than 6 p.m.

Assignment 2) Read the text 'I was swallowed by a hippo' (pages 28-30) and

a) ask 4 reading comprehension questions;

b) answer your own questions, in complete sentences.

Assignment 2 is due on Friday, 13th March not later than 6 p.m.

Assignment 3) Worksheet 5

Please send the answers by email.

Assignment 3 is due on Friday, 13th March not later than 6 p.m.

Assignment 4) Video podcasts section, appended materials (Workbook): podcast 'Justice'

a) Use the above link to watch 'Justice'

b) Personalisation

  • write a paragraph about your own experience and concerns;
  • use Natalie's questions and language from the podcast in your paragraph

o   Have you ever had reason to contact the police? What was the outcome?

o   What legal or social issues concern you the most? Why?

o   If you could introduce a law in your country or community, what would it be?

 Assignment 4  is due on Friday, 23rd March not later than 6 p.m.

* Please remember to save all assignments as Word files. Thank you.

Eduarda Melo Cabrita