
29 Abril 2020, 14:00 Ana Rita Martins

  • Revision exercises for the written test (exercises available on shared google drive file - see 'written test practice' folder)

1. The written test (30%) will take place next Monday, the 4th of May, 2.00-4.00 pm.
2. I will send students the question paper by e-mail (Word file) and they have until 4.15pm to send their answers. I will also upload a copy of the question paper onto the class' e-learning platform in case something comes up.
3. For the test students need to study/revise the following:
Material for the written test:
  • Short story: "Cyprus Avenue" by Lucy Caldwell
  • Novel: Pigeon English by Stephen Kelman
  • Episode: "Men against Fire" (episode 5, season 3 of Black Mirror)
  • Grammar: modal verbs (past, present, continuous) & verb tenses

Students will have to answer two questions in which they will write  a literary paragraph, so that content must be revisedas well (see e-learning platform for PPT presentation, plus google drive exercises).

I will also be online from 2.00-4.00 (e-mail  + Zoom) in case students have any doubts. 

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