Writing a summary of the short story "Eye Witness" by Ed McBain.
28 Setembro 2018, 12:00 • Margarida Vale de Gato
1) Correcting last week’s written assignments:
recurrent mistakes on the white board:
a) what is the difference between
b) dictation to correct frequent spelling mistakes:
attention, equality, inequality, technique, wonderful, thankful, and hopeful
c) irregular verbs: flee, fled, fled/ teach, taught, taught/ seek, sought, sought
d) irregular plurals: life, calf, shelf, half, loaf, thief, knife, wife, leaf, wolf
tooth, foot, louse, goose, mouse, man, woman
child, ox, brother
f) synonyms for “I think”, I assume, I feel, I believe, In my opinion, From my point of view, As I see it, In my view, Honestly, Frankly, Personally, I personally think…
2) Discussing fluency fillers. Source: Leo Jones: Functions of English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981
3) Exercise 2 B1.2 Workbook, page 14.
4) Summary Writing, page 23
5) Students wrote a summary of the short story “Eye Witness” by Ed McBain, and handed them in.