Essay Writing (Oral Presentation)

3 Abril 2019, 12:00 Margarida Vale de Gato

1) Warm-up: Recycling vocabulary: Sts chose 5 words from an envelope and used the words in a sentence (in context).

2) Reading and Writing: Pair work activity: All pairs got an envelope with five paragraphs of an essay on separate slips of paper. Sts had to put the paragraphs in the right order. Then they were asked to compare their version with the original on page 37, B1.2 Workbook.

3) Structure of the essay was explained, based on page 34, B1.2 Workbook.

4) Writing: Pair work activity: Useful expressions and linking words were explored and used in context on page 35 B1.2 Workbook. and Pasta 3, page 15-17.

5) Oral presentation worksheets were discussed.

Homework: Write an essay on „What can young people do to avoid air pollution?“