Neighbours (Reading).

27 Março 2019, 12:00 Margarida Vale de Gato

1) Warm-Up: Recycling vocabulary, Speaking: Sts chose 2 adjectives describing people --from an envelope. They had to choose a friend, family member, class mate, acquaintance, etc. who would fit the description, and tell the reason why they had chosen that particular person.


2) Pre-reading exercise: Pair work activity: Every student got 8 sentences on separate pieces of paper. They were then expected to choose the definition which best fits their own experience and discuss their reasons for this with their partner.

·      A neighbour is a person who helps you in times of need

·      A neighbour is a person who lives next door to you

·      A neighbour is a person who watches you from across the street

·      A neighbour is a person who knows everything about you, but you don’t know how

·      A neighbour is a person who feeds your cat when you are on holiday

·      A neighbour is a person you want to know is there, but never want to see

·      A neighbour is a person who interests you more than your own family

·      A neighbour is a person who keeps you awake at night


3) Pair work activity: After that 8 more personal questions were given to the students (also on a separate piece of paper):

1) Do you get on well with your neighbours? 2) Do you often visit them, or do they visit you?

3) Are they similar people to you, for example are they the same age, or do they have the same interests?

4) Could you go on holiday with your neighbours? Why (not)?

5) Do you depend on them for anything, for example to look after your plants and cat while you are away? 6) What is your idea of terrible neighbours? 7) What would you do if your neighbours were causing you problems? 8) What would you do if you thought your neighbours were involved in organised crime?




4) Reading exercise: Paul Theroux: “Neighbours” B1.2 Workbook 2018-2019 (Isabel Ferro Mealha, TP2-TP3 and Zsófia Gombár TP4), pp 39-43.

5) Group work activity: Reading Comprehension Exercises

6) Free discussion on the topic.