Present Perfect Simple and Continuous

1 Março 2019, 12:00 Margarida Vale de Gato

1) Checking homework: Exercises: 20.3, 20.4, 20.5. Michael McCarthy and Felicity O'Dell: Vocabulary in Use. Elementary, page 45.

2) Handout: Spelling: Sts formed the rules:


1. verbs ending in the letter ‘y’

marry  _________, cry  _______, apply  _______, hurry  _______, try à _______, worry  _______

2. verbs consisting of one syllable, ending: vowel + consonant

stab  __________, rob ___________, plan  ________, stop  __________, beg  _________

3. verbs of two syllables, stress on the last syllable, ending: vowel + consonant

 occur __________, prefer  __________, refer  __________, admit  _________, emit  _________

4. verbs ending in the letter ‘l’ (BrE)

cancel  _________, travel __________


1. verbs ending in ‘–e’

come  __________, move  __________, write  ____________

except: ending in ‘-ee’ : see______

2. verb consisting of one syllable, ending : vowel + consonant 

stop  ___________, hit  ___________

3. verb of two syllables, stress on the last syllable, ending : vowel + consonant

prefer  _________

4. Verbs ending in ‘l’ (BrE)

travel  ____________

5) Present Perfect Continuous: Handout: Sts formed the rules based on bunches of example sentences: 1) I have been playing the violin for seven years./ Martha has been learning English for nine years./Peter has been working on his project since 1999. 2) She has been washing his shirt. Now she is tired./She has washed his shirt. The shirt is clean. 3) with the verbs: ‘wish’ and ‘want’: She has been wanting this book for a long time. 4) Somebody has been eating with my spoon! Somebody has been sleeping in my bed!

6) Pair work activity: Exercises on Present Perfect Continuous (Unit 9) in Raymond Murphy: Grammar in Use, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002, pp. 18-19.


Unit 7, Unit 8, Unit 12, Unit 13, Raymond Murphy: Grammar in Use, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002.