Unit 1 Eye Witness by Ed McBain

6 Fevereiro 2019, 12:00 Margarida Vale de Gato

1) Recycling vocabulary and dictionary skills: Sts had to choose one word card from an envelope. Last week’s vocabulary was used. They could consult the following online monolingual dictionaries:







2) Crime Vocabulary:

a) Difference between (to) steal and (to) rob

b) Pair work activity: Exercise 3 B1.2 Workbook 2018-2019, page 14.


3) Pair work activity: Exercise 1: The short story and its features, B1.2 Workbook 2018-2019, page 13.


3) Dramatised reading of Ed McBain’s Short Story “Eye Witness” Characters: Detective Cappeli, Officer Magruder, Mr Struthers, Lieutenant Anderson, and the narrator: selected students read the short story aloud.

4) Reading comprehension exercises page 19-20.


Homework: Exercise 3, B1.2 Workbook 2018-2019, page 20.


(to) steal; (to) rob; murder, murderer, (to) murder; shoplifting, shoplifter, (to) shoplift; burglary, burglar, (to) burgle; smuggling, smuggler, (to) smuggle; arson, arsonist, (to) set fire to; kidnapping, kidnapper, (to) kidnap; theft, thief, (to) steal; rape, rapist, (to) rape; mugging, mugger, (to) mug; robbery, robber, (to) rob; ; (to) raise an eyebrow; (to) shrug one's shoulders; (to) moan; (to) mutter; (to) stab; (to) blink; on the force; lineup; one-way mirror; lieutenant; underling; (to) withhold evidence; witness; (to) confess;