"Thief" by Robley Wilson and "Cat in the rain" by Ernest Hemingway.

24 Novembro 2020, 11:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Discussion of the short story "Thief" by Robley Wilson: checking the answers to questions on page 17.  

Reading the short story  "Cat in the rain" by Ernest Hemingway (to be continued).
HOMEWORK for the next two classes:
Thursday, 26th November: please read the information about the Simple Past vs. the Present Perfect and do the exercises on pages 59-62
Monday, 30th November: please finish reading the short story "Cat in the rain" by Ernest Hemingway and answer the questions 1-10 on pages 29 and 30 using complete sentences.  Please email me your answers by Monday 30th November saved in a WORD document.