British TV shows focusing on social classes. Graham Norton's Problem Page: Letters of advice continued.

18 Fevereiro 2021, 09:30 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

British TV shows focusing on social classes: watching a few minutes of Gogglebox, Life on the dole, and Can't get the staff.

Graham Norton's Problem Page: Letters of advice continued - (a) discussion of the advice given for Letter 4; (b) Letter 5 read aloud by students in group 5; cultural references and unknown vocabulary, including phrasal and prepositional verbs discussed.

HOMEWORK: write a letter of advice in response to one of Graham Norton's five letters; writ approximately 150 words; save your letter as a WORD file and submit it by email by 25 February. Please refer to the B1.2 Workbook to revise the structure of a letter of advice.