O Fu e o Yuefu

8 Março 2016, 14:00 Elisabetta Colla Rosado Coelho David

  • Fu
  • Yuefu
  • "Luoshen fu 洛神賦 - Cao Zhi
  • "Mulan shi 木蘭詩" - Yuefu  樂府 (versão secs. 4-6) [Owen]

Cai, Zong-qi. 2008. How to read Chinese poetry a guided anthology. New York: Columbia University Press.

Owen, Stephen. 1996. An anthology of Chinese literature: beginnings to 1911. New York: W.W. Norton, pp. 194-197; 241

Theodore, de. 2010. Sources of Chinese Tradition. Columbia University Press.

Jia Jinhua. 2004. "An Interpretation of the Term fu 賦 in Early Chinese Texts: From Poetic Form to Poetic Technique and Literary Genre". Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (CLEAR). 26: 55-76.