

28 Janeiro 2021, 11:00 Elisabetta Colla Rosado Coelho David

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

This course will provide an introduction to the East Asian Literatures masterpieces and the cultural context in which they were produced, with special emphasis on primary sources (mainly using English translations).

By the end of the semester students are expected to have obtained fundamental knowledge about different topics presented of the East Asian Literatures in comparative perspective, ranging from the origins of writings, to the formation of the canon and the contribution of popular literature to the formation of the poetry, the novel and the theatre. 

Requirements (assignments+weighting):



Due Date




Oral presentations





Assignment    (T1*+T2)



Attendance and participation (10%)

10% of the course’s final mark is based upon class attendance and participation (assigned readings are to be completed before class).

Oral presentations (10%)

10% is based upon oral critical presentations (topic: the written essay). 

Essay (35%)

In addition, it is expected that students develop independent research and writing skills through a research paper (approximately 3000 words in length) which will account for35% of the final mark; papers submitted beyond due date (18/04/2021-23:59 GMT) will not be accepted. No extensions will be granted, except in cases of serious illness or emergency, for which a justification is required.

title of the essay:

“[NAME OF THE WRITER]:  life, work and style" 

( BIBLIOGRAPHICAL support could be provided, if required). 

Oral presentation will be based on same topic. 

Papers should be mailed to the following address:  - format: [Student's Name_Student's Name_2021_literature.pdf] 

Test 1 (25%) via ZOOM - the student is expected to respond orally to diverse questions

Test 2 (20%) [1,5 hours] - in class*

Further information:

The consequences for cheating, plagiarism, or any other forms of academic dishonesty can be very serious. Any violation of the rules outlined in RGA, Art. 8º (Fraude na realização de elementos de avaliação):


28 Janeiro 2021, 09:30 Elisabetta Colla Rosado Coelho David

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

This course will provide an introduction to the East Asian Literatures masterpieces and the cultural context in which they were produced, with special emphasis on primary sources (mainly using English translations).

By the end of the semester students are expected to have obtained fundamental knowledge about different topics presented of the East Asian Literatures in comparative perspective, ranging from the origins of writings, to the formation of the canon and the contribution of popular literature to the formation of the poetry, the novel and the theatre. 

Requirements (assignments+weighting):



Due Date




Oral presentations





Assignment    (T1*+T2)



Attendance and participation (10%)

10% of the course’s final mark is based upon class attendance and participation (assigned readings are to be completed before class).

Oral presentations (10%)

10% is based upon oral critical presentations (topic: the written essay). 

Essay (35%)

In addition, it is expected that students develop independent research and writing skills through a research paper (approximately 3000 words in length) which will account for35% of the final mark; papers submitted beyond due date (18/04/2021-23:59 GMT) will not be accepted. No extensions will be granted, except in cases of serious illness or emergency, for which a justification is required.

title of the essay:

“[NAME OF THE WRITER]:  life, work and style" 

( BIBLIOGRAPHICAL support could be provided, if required). 

Oral presentation will be based on same topic. 

Papers should be mailed to the following address:  - format: [Student's Name_Student's Name_2021_literature.pdf] 

Test 1 (25%) via ZOOM - the student is expected to respond orally to diverse questions

Test 2 (20%) [1,5 hours] - in class*

Further information:

The consequences for cheating, plagiarism, or any other forms of academic dishonesty can be very serious. Any violation of the rules outlined in RGA, Art. 8º (Fraude na realização de elementos de avaliação):