Literature, literatus and the canon

27 Janeiro 2022, 12:30 Elisabetta Colla Rosado Coelho David

  • Definition of literature
  • Oral literature-Paul Sebillot (1846-1918)
  • Antoine Compagnon - The scope of literature
  • Literature and Orality - Storytelling and storytellers
  • Inscriptions - oracle bones, silk, bamboo, bronze, paper
  • Libraries
  • Print 
Goody, Jack - From Oral to Written: An Anthropological Breakthrough in Storytelling
Kornicki, Peter Francis - “The Oral Dimension”, in Languages, script, and Chinese texts in East Asia
Kornicki, Peter Francis - “Classics, Examinations, and Confucianims”, in Languages, script, and Chinese texts in East Asia
Shaughnessy, Edward L. - “History and Inscriptions, China”, in The Oxford History of Historical writings v. 1