Japanese Literature: setsuwa

11 Abril 2022, 12:30 Elisabetta Colla Rosado Coelho David

From chuangqi to setsuwa

  • Howell, Thomas Raymond, "Setsuwa, knowledge, and the culture of reading and writing in medieval Japan" (2002). Dissertations available from ProQuest. AAI3043889 https://repository.upenn.edu/dissertations/AAI3043889 
  • Li, Michelle Ilene Osterfeld. 2009. Ambiguous bodies: reading the grotesque in Japanese setsuwa tales. Stanford, Calif: Stanford University Press.
  • Shirane, H. (2015). Setsuwa (anecdotal) literature:Nihon ryōikitoKokon chomonjū. In H. Shirane, T. Suzuki, & D. Lurie (Eds.), The Cambridge History of Japanese Literature (pp. 280-286). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 
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