
Japan: aesthetics values

5 Maio 2023, 11:00 Elisabetta Colla Rosado Coelho David

  • mono no aware
  • hana
  • kotoba
Marra Michael F. 1999. Modern Japanese Aesthetics : A Reader. Honolulu: University of Hawaiì Press. 
Motoori Norinaga and Michele Marra. 2007. The Poetics of Motoori Norinaga : A Hermeneutical Journey. Honolulu HI: University of Hawai'i Press.


3 Maio 2023, 11:00 Elisabetta Colla Rosado Coelho David


Japan: Monogatari, nikki, shu

28 Abril 2023, 11:00 Elisabetta Colla Rosado Coelho David

  • The Diary recorded by Lady Murasaki (c. 973-c. 1020)
  • Ivan Morris's The World of the Shining Prince: Court Life in Ancient Japan (Oxford University Press, 1964)

De Bary, William Theodore, Sources of East Asian tradition. Vol. 1, Vol. 1. New York: Columbia University Press, 2008.
Katō, Shūichi, and Don Sanderson, A history of Japanese literature: from the Man'yōshū to modern times. Richmond, Surrey: Japan Library, 1997.
Singer Kurt. 2014. The Life of Ancient Japan : Selected Contemporary Texts Illustrating Social Life and Ideals Before the Era of Seclusion. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis. 

The age of Man’yōshū and the Kokinwakashū

26 Abril 2023, 11:00 Elisabetta Colla Rosado Coelho David

  • (Alexander Vovin's edition)
  • Kokinwakashū (Kokin Wakashū)
Katō, Shūichi, and Don Sanderson. 1997. A history of Japanese literature: from the Man'yōshū to modern times. Richmond, Surrey: Japan Library.
De Bary Wm Theodore Donald Keene George Tanabe and Paul Varley. 2010. Sources of Japanese Tradition : Volume 1: From Earliest Times to 1600. New York: Columbia University Press.
Vovin, Alexander (2009–2018). Man'yoshu: A New English Translation Containing the Original Text, Kana Transliteration, Romanization, Glossing and Commentary [20 volumes]. Global Oriental/Brill.

Japanese literature: the chronicles

21 Abril 2023, 11:00 Elisabetta Colla Rosado Coelho David

  • Kuniumi  - birth or formation of Japan [the country] - extracts
  • Amaterasu - extracts
  • The Three Sacred Treasures - extracts
Katō, Shūichi, and Don Sanderson. 1997. A history of Japanese literature: from the Man'yōshū to modern times. Richmond, Surrey: Japan Library.
De Bary Wm Theodore Donald Keene George Tanabe and Paul Varley. 2010. Sources of Japanese Tradition : Volume 1: From Earliest Times to 1600. New York: Columbia University Press.