Objeto de estudo da sintaxe / Sistema casual de línguas eslavas e ordem "livre" de palavras
16 Maio 2016, 10:00 • Nailia Rafikovna Baldé
1) Correntes teóricas: Estruturalismo (Formalismo) / Funcionalismo / Generativismo
2) Objeto de estudo da sintaxe: Linearidade / Relações gramaticais / Dependências locais / Gramaticalidade
3) Sistema casual de línguas eslavas e
ordem "livre" de palavras
a) Ordem “livre” ≠ Ordem arbitrária
b) Sistema casual e governo
Palatalizações na Línguas Eslavas
12 Maio 2016, 10:00 • Gueorgui Nenov Hristovsky
1. Palatalizações nas línguas eslavas.
Vocalização de Yeres nas Línguas Eslavas
9 Maio 2016, 10:00 • Gueorgui Nenov Hristovsky
1. Vocalização de yeres nas línguas Eslavas.
Parte 1: aula aberta: Focus on L2 speech perception. Parte 2: vocalização de yeres nas línguas eslavas
5 Maio 2016, 10:00 • Gueorgui Nenov Hristovsky
1. Focus on L2 speech perception: Intense perceptual training facilitates L2 speech production (duração 60 minutos).
2. Vocalização de yeres nas línguas eslavas (duração 60 minutos) (baseada no artigo "The Life of Yers in Slavic and Elsewhere" de Tobias Scheer).
Aula aberta proferida pela professora doutora Anastazija Kirkova-Naskova da Universidade de Skopje (Macedónia)
2 Maio 2016, 10:00 • Gueorgui Nenov Hristovsky
1. L2 Pronunciation acquisition and foreign accent: The case with Macedonian learners of English.
Abstract: The phenomenon of foreign accent in the speech of second language learners is a universally recognized aspect of second language phonological acquisition. The process of acquiring L2 phonology is not an easy task - the learner needs to achieve a high degree of accuracy of segmental articulation as well as the rules of phonotactics and prosody. Research shows that the influence of mother tongue (L1) is crucial thus giving the typical foreign accent subtlety which is immediately perceived by native speakers.
This lecture gives an overview of the most prominent markers of English speech spoken by Macedonian learners of English as perceived by native speakers of English.
First, an overview of the most relevant features of Macedonian phonology is presented. Then, a case study is presented detailing research on Macedonian-accented English in light of its vocalic, consonantal and prosodic characteristics. As a follow-up, the effectiveness of critical listening is discussed as a technique of improving learners’ awareness of their own L2 pronunciation.