
Polish modern literature

5 Novembro 2020, 12:30 Lucyna Boryczko

1. the impact of World War II and the experience of occupation:

- Krzysztof Kamil Baczyński "Elegy For A Polish Boy”

- Tadeusz Różewicz "Saved”

- Czesław Miłosz – "Campo dei fiori”

2. the establishment of the People’s Republic in 1945 - the literature of Socialist Realism:

- Sławomir Mrożek (“The Elephant” 1957) – satire and the grotesque

The Renaissance Period of Polish literature

30 Outubro 2020, 12:30 Lucyna Boryczko

- Mikołaj Rej (“A Short Discourse Between the Squire, the Bailiff, and the Parson” 1543)

- Jan Kochanowski ("Laments" 1580)

The medieval period of Polish literature

29 Outubro 2020, 12:30 Lucyna Boryczko

- Poland - general geopolitical, historical and cultural outline

- the beginnings of Polish writings 
- texts written in Latin and in Polish
- religious writings and secular literature

Croatian Romanticism

23 Outubro 2020, 12:30 Katja Peruško

- Croatian Romanticism in the European context: similarities and differences

- Illyrian Movement: a struggle for national identity and unification; Ljudevit Gaj
- Illyrian beliefs and patriotic poetry
- Ivan Mažuranić: The Death of Smail-aga Čengić - the best example of the Croatian Romantic narrative poetry

- number of students: 3

Postmodernism and Contemporary Period

22 Outubro 2020, 12:30 Katja Peruško

- the period from 1970s up until today

- presentations: 
Zoran Ferić: Alone by the Sea
Franjo Janeš: Tunnel At The End Of The Light
Julijana Matanović: Note On The Author
Roman Simić: Thus Spoke Mayakovsky
Ivana Bodrožić: Hotel Tito
Korana Serdarević: The Irena Tot's Experiment

- number of students: 4