
Individual oral presentations continued. TEDx Talk: Duty of care.

22 Novembro 2022, 08:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Oral presentations continued: A Press Review - Your Pick of Stories - Inês Ramos, Maria Andrade, Eva Sousa, Ana Monteiro, Matilde Dias.

Watching the TED Talk "Does the media have a duty of care?",

Editorials continued.

17 Novembro 2022, 08:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Editorials continued: (a) brainstorming ideas for topics (group activity); (b) discussing which topics lend themselves to writing an editorial; (c) looking at beginnings and endings of editorials; (d) dos and don'ts of editorials; editorials vs discursive essays; (e) how to cite one's sources in an editorial.. 

HOMEWORK: Write your own evidence-based editorial (assignment due on 24th November 2022). Instructions sent by email.

Individual oral presentations continued.

15 Novembro 2022, 08:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Oral presentations continued: A Press Review - Your Pick of Stories - Mariana Simas, Guilherme Marques, Beatriz Salsinha, Mariana Andrade, Alice Annuziata.

Individual oral presentations continued.

10 Novembro 2022, 08:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Oral presentations continued: A Press Review - Your Pick of Stories - Daniela Nunes, Ana Faitão, Alana Wenceslau, Beatriz Magalhães, Anita dos Santos.

Editorials: main types; structure; and examples.

8 Novembro 2022, 08:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha


(a) four main types of editorials: persuasive; analysis and explanatory; obituary; endorsement; 

(b) analysing the structure and style of an evidence-based editorial based on TEXT 17: "Race and marijuana arrests" (New York Times) and TEXT 18: "Prison works ..." (The Independent) continued: opinion stated; reasons stated to support this opinion; facts that support this opinion; author's suggestions for dealing with the topic of the editorial.

(c)  Andrew Rosenthal's seven pointers for students writing an editorial (mini video).