Straight news stories and features. Direct and delayed leads. Popular vs quality press: Comparing and contrasting the same news story

2 Março 2020, 14:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

1. Journalistic genres: Straight news stories and features. Direct and delayed leads; nut graphs. HOMEWORK: Read TEXT 7: "How journalists write" (The Guardian).

2. Popular vs quality press: (a) in class activity: comparing and contrasting the language features and overall style of two news stories reporting the same event - TEXT 8 "Pride of Britain Awards 2011 ...", Daily Mirror; TEXT 9 - "Pensioner prevented jewellery raid ...", The Guardian; making judgements about the kind of audience the articles were written for; (b) at home: write a comparative essay based on your notes/discussion of the way the two news stories report the same event – assignment due on 9 March. (Further instructions sent by email).