Classes suspended (Covid-19). New assesment rules. Zoom meeting.

6 Abril 2020, 14:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Zoom meeting: New assessment rules explained and sent by email. 


Given the special circumstances we are currently facing, the assessment and grading system had to be slightly changed. Weighting is now as follows:

·       Writing test - 40%  - Date: 6th May

(The test will consist in a short evidence-based editorial and an academic essay addressing journalism issues related to READING MATTERS TEXTS 21-32)

·       Speaking test - 20%: individual press review (further instructions sent by email)

·       Written assignments - 40% - You have to do at least 4 out of the 5 following assignments:

o   Comparative essay (already done)

o   Report about TEXTS 21-22-23 (already done)

o   Report about TEXTS 24-32 (already done)

o   Short evidence-based editorial (to be done; strongly recommended as it will provide practice for the test)

o   Personal column (to be done) (this assignment is optional for those of you who have done 4 assignments)

 Since assessment is conducted on a regular basis, any task that is not submitted when due and/or any form of plagiarism will be given a zero. Any student who fails to do one of the above-mentioned tests/tasks will be given a zero.

 Working students may, if they so wish, opt for continuous assessment (in which case they will have to comply with all the assessment criteria set for regular students) OR sit the Época de Avaliação Final Alternativa examination. The examination will focus on the contents of the syllabus adopted for the course English for the Media (C2).

 As I’m sure you all know now, the Época de Avaliação Final Alternativa examination will also have to be done at home during class hours since FLUL will remain closed. The date has not been set yet but it will be in the week 1 to 5 June.

 So now that FLUL has decided on a course of action and set up the assessment rules for this semester, could working students please let me know whether they are opting for continuous assessment or whether they are just sitting the Época de Avaliação Final Alternativa examination?

 This option is also available to Portuguese ERASMUS students who had to return to Portugal without having the chance to complete their courses due to the COVID-19 pandemic.