
Oral presentations. Analysing stylistic conventions of the "me" column.

3 Dezembro 2018, 08:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Oral presentations: An individual 15-minute press review. The following students presented their press review: Ana Narciso; Andrea Scarsetto; Mónica Nunes Santos. Analysing stylistic conventions of the "me" column: "Why I let my 9-year-old ride the subway alone" (TEXT 13) and "More from America's worst mom: 9-year-old on the subway" (TEXT 14). REMINDER: on Wednesday there will be an in-class individual writing assignment.

Discussion of TEXTS 22, 23, 24 and 25. Introduction to columns.

28 Novembro 2018, 08:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Discussion of the following texts: "What's the Difference Between Activism and Journalism?" (TEXT 22); "What is the Streisand Effect?" (TEXT23); "Streisand Effect takes hold as Turkey bans Twitter" (TEXT 24); and "British law used to shush scandal has become one" (super injunctions) (TEXT 25).

Introduction to newspaper columns (TEXT 15).

Oral presentation: A press review.

26 Novembro 2018, 08:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Oral presentations: An individual 15-minute press review. The following students presented their press review: Sofia Gavancho, Luís Sigorro, Cristina de Almeida, Alexandra Sousa, Sara Voss, Sofia Martins.

Discussion of three Nieman Reports.

21 Novembro 2018, 08:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Discussion of the following Nieman Reports: "When Is it Ethical to Publish Stolen Data?" (TEXT 20) and "How to Deter Doxxing" (TEXT 21),."What's the Difference Between Activism and Journalism?" (TEXT 22)) will be continued on Wednesday 26th November. 

Oral presentations. A TED talk: How the Panama Papers ..."

19 Novembro 2018, 08:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Oral presentations: An individual 15-minute press review. The following students presented their press review: Katia Martisn; Ana Marques; and Kelli Owenson.

Watching a TED talk: " How the Panama Papers journalists broke the biggest leak in history". REMINDER: Discussion of TEXTs 20, 21 and 22 will be done on Wednesday.