
Essay test in class

20 Dezembro 2017, 12:00 David Alan Prescott

Second sitting of essay test

Essay test in class

18 Dezembro 2017, 12:00 David Alan Prescott

First sitting of second test

The Unlovable Press

13 Dezembro 2017, 12:00 David Alan Prescott

Analysis of text from the anthology about how the press "gets in the face of power" and how this is essential to democracy. Explanation to students of the topics for the final test essay next week.

Returning of Tests

11 Dezembro 2017, 12:00 David Alan Prescott

Returning of tests and analysis of mistakes.

The Press and Class

6 Dezembro 2017, 12:00 David Alan Prescott

Analysis of two texts from the times which slightly parody the English obsession with class and also demonstrate how even the quality press in the UK aims to be humorous as well as informative and thought-provoking.