Editorials continued.
26 Outubro 2023, 08:00 • Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha
Editorials continued: (a) brainstorming ideas for topics (group activity); (b) discussing which topics lend themselves to writing an editorial; (c) looking at beginnings and endings of editorials; (d) dos and don'ts of editorials; editorials vs discursive essays; (e) how to cite one's sources in an editorial..
HOMEWORK: Write your own evidence-based editorial (assignment due on 23rd November 2023). Instructions are available on Moodle.
24 Outubro 2023, 08:00 • Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha
(a) four main types of editorials: persuasive; analysis and explanatory; obituary; endorsement;
(b) analysing the structure and style of an evidence-based editorial based on TEXT 17: "Race and marijuana arrests" (New York Times) and TEXT 18: "Prison works ..." (The Independent) continued: opinion stated; reasons stated to support this opinion; facts that support this opinion; author's suggestions for dealing with the topic of the editorial.
Syntactic ambiguity in headlines: "Crash blossoms".
19 Outubro 2023, 08:00 • Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha
Reading and analysis of the article "Heads you win" by Ian Mayes (TEXT 9) continued.
Reading and discussion of "Crash blossoms" (YEXT 10). Syntactic ambiguity in headlines: analysing examples of garden-path sentences or crash blossoms. Doing the exercise “Ambiguous headlines" (p. 22-23) and checking the answers.
Discussion of Front Page shocking images continued: TEXT 6. Headlinese. "Heads you win".
17 Outubro 2023, 08:00 • Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha
Discussion of Front Page shocking images continued: students' oral reports and comments on their assigned text.
TEXT 6: Don’t Look Away: Photojournalists Are Documenting the Brutality of Russia’s War in Ukraine | Nieman Reports
Headlines: deducing the language features of headlines (syntax, commonly used short words, and other headlinese rules) continued (exercises on pages 18-19).
Reading and analysis of the article "Heads you win" by Ian Mayes (The Guardian) (READING MATTERS TEXT 9).
Front Page shocking images continued: students' oral reports on TEXTS 5 and 7. Response/reaction paper guidelines.
12 Outubro 2023, 08:00 • Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha
Discussion of two newspaper articles related to Front Page shocking images continued: students' oral reports and comments on their assigned text.
TEXT 5: Facebook backtracks to allow iconic Vietnam War photo of child napalm victims | LA Times
TEXT 7: Opinion | It’s Been 50 Years. I Am Not ‘Napalm Girl’ Anymore. | The New York Times
A response or reaction paper: (a) how to organise a response paper; (b) style guidelines; (c) reaction paper rubric (assessment criteria.
HOMEWORK: First writing assignment, a response paper about TEXT 8, due on 19th October; instructions were uploaded onto Moodle.