Discussion of Validation and Close Reeading

10 Novembro 2015, 12:00 Cecília Maria Beecher Martins

In the 5th Nov class:

Finised the viewing of the film Modgiliani.

2 students presented their reading of the artice "What is Validation" in the course manual.

Cllass discussion of their Reading and review of the article in light of the Reading of the set novel Elizabeth is Missing

Prof Antonio Duarte from the Psychology Faculty explained discussed the construction of memory when appreciating and reproducing art. - review of maps students drew of the Campus of the University City

In the 10th Nov:

A student presented the article "A Caregiver's Story" - comparing the techniques used in this artice to Validation.

Close Reading for form of the Prologue of Elizabeth is Missing

Free writing to an open prompt.