Art is Everywhere: Situating the Arts and Creative Community Engagement at the Heart of Strategic Local, National and International Decision-making

6 Abril 2022, 09:30 Cecília Maria Beecher Martins

Open Lecture with guest speaker: Marisa de Andrade, University of Edinburgh

 In this interactive lecture a project funded by the UK’s Arts & Humanities Research Council that is ensuring sustained access to the arts for all ages in a Scottish region was explored as this lace-based knowledge exchange programme works with multiple local and national partners to help tackle education, health, and socio-economic inequalities through the arts. 

With a strong focus on community engagement and collaboration across sectors, the project brings together key stakeholders and community members supporting community led initiatives which cut across early year’s education, healthy ageing, community safety and social justice, and health and wellbeing. It will also help the Council co-produce a long-term sustainable arts strategy which will support more integrated and effective decision making which cuts across sectors to address issues and inequalities.

Throughout this talk, students were encouraged to reflect on the power of Art to tackle issues such as epistemic injustice by engaging with creative-relational approaches that privilege the person and their life story rather than a statistic that may be meaningless and/or misrepresent them.