Visual literacy applied to film analysis

5 Fevereiro 2019, 10:00 Cecília Maria Beecher Martins

An introduction to the terms of visual literacy in particular those related to mise-en-scene. 

Also an introduction to the concepts associated with the semiotics of film production and how directors use the concepts involved in their work. 
Introduction to the concepts of synedoche, denotation and connotation as applied to film production.
Exemplification of the different elements of mise-en-scene

Introduction to the different levels of "reading" film stills with a film still from The Trial (1962) by Orsen Wells. 
Students applied the principles of visual literacy previously presented to help them interpret the still. 
Then reviewed their interpretations in light of the descriptions on page 16 of the manual.
1. direct reading of the narrative of the still.
2. a denotative reading
3. a connotative reading. 

For next class students should examine the 2 film stills from Clint Eastwood's Sully (2016) in the manual (p17) using visual literacy principles. 

Left glossary of "Basic Visual Literacy Terms and Definitions" in red photocopy shop