Review of students' abstracts and presentation of layout of the written test

2 Dezembro 2020, 14:00 Cecília Maria Beecher Martins

As indicated in the course calendar these two classes were dedicated to the individual discussion of students' corrected abstracts. A schedule had been distributed to students with their indiviudal timeslots when I had returned their corrected abstracted with my suggestions and/or additional bibliography. The purpose of these classes was to give all students the opportunity to discuss my corrections/suggestions so that they could proceed with their written essay.
At the end of each class we also discussed the layout of the written test (9th December) and I answered students' questions on course materials. 
The first section will be dedicated to Use of English and will follow the word transformation and transfer exercise segments of the CPE Use of English paper. This will be worth  20%.The second section will have 2 sets of questions:One on the materials in the 4 research set, or the other on the theoretical texts we read during the semester, as well as the excerpts from novels we read and the films we watched. You will have to answer a question from each section.