
presentations 3

19 Outubro 2021, 12:30 John Richard Walker

Making your visual aids more efficient and helpful:

David Philips: How to avoid death by Powerpoint

Techniques for keeping the audience's attention:

Will Stephen: How to sound smart in your TEDx talk

Presentations and correspondence

18 Outubro 2021, 15:30 Cláudia Rute Canelas Pereira Duarte

Presentations and correspondence

no class

18 Outubro 2021, 12:30 John Richard Walker

I had to cancel due to a sudden family emergency.


13 Outubro 2021, 17:00 Cláudia Rute Canelas Pereira Duarte


online tutorial

13 Outubro 2021, 10:00 John Richard Walker

catching up with course materials due to absence