
férias de carnaval

6 Março 2019, 14:00 John Richard Walker

férias de carnaval

férias de carnaval

4 Março 2019, 14:00 John Richard Walker

férias de carnaval

organisation of presentations

27 Fevereiro 2019, 14:00 John Richard Walker

students organised themeselves into groups and planned themes for presentations, while I attended the meeting of the Conselho Científico on DSD 2019-2020.

professional presentations 2

25 Fevereiro 2019, 14:00 John Richard Walker

examples using video of what to do and what to avoid during professional presentations:

excerpts from "Effective Presentations" by Jeremy Comfort (Oxford University Press) and "How to Sound Smart in your TEDx Talk", by Will Stephen (YouTube)

professional letter writing

20 Fevereiro 2019, 14:00 John Richard Walker

checking covering letters prepared at home by the students: identification of errors, things to avoid, things to emulate