
Class cancelled

24 Maio 2018, 10:00 John Richard Walker

Unable to be present given my participation in na Erasmus+ project meeting (ADALL) in Iceland

Letter writing

22 Maio 2018, 10:00 John Richard Walker

How to organise a professional letter:

Layout format, style, paragraphs

Useful UK English letter writing expressions

e-mail writing

17 Maio 2018, 10:00 John Richard Walker

Essential e-mail writing terminology, layout, register

Common UK English expressions used in e-mails

Comparison of e-mail register and features with those of letter writing

Active practice completing e-mails pp 44-48

Meetings 4

15 Maio 2018, 10:00 John Richard Walker

Writing the minutes of a meeting

Layout, format, style, level of formality

Active practice: feedback on the minutes produced as homework following last week's meetings

Phone calls

10 Maio 2018, 10:00 John Richard Walker

Vocabulary related to telephones and phone calls

Common UK English expressions on the phone at different stages of the conversation

Terminology related to specific details (numbers, models, specifications)

Active practice: receiving a phonecall with an order