Introduction to C1.1 English - TP11

26 Janeiro 2022, 19:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today's lesson was just an introduction to the course.  It was for all of those students who missed the first day of class.

Students who missed the first day of class AND today's class need to read the first six and a half pages (up to Persuasive Writing Techniques revision) so that they know exactly what is expected of them this semester.

The course book is available on the shared Google drive.  The course book can be printed out at home and brought to class, or you can access the course book via laptop or tablet.  Accessing the course book in class on your smart phone is not allowed.

Students that don't have a printer at home can print out the course book at the Red Photocopy Room (reprografia vermelha) here at FLUL which is located in the basement.  It costs 1.48 Euros (front and back, black and white, no binding included).

In order to have access to the shared Google drive, students must email ( to confirm that the teacher has their permission to add their email to the shared Google drive (she has students' FLUL emails on Fénix).