
Introduction to crime fiction

30 Janeiro 2020, 14:00 Cláudia Rute Canelas Pereira Duarte

Introduction to crime fiction

error analysis

30 Janeiro 2020, 10:00 John Richard Walker

analysis of common mistakes made at C1.1 level (course book pp 6-8)

Diagnostic test

30 Janeiro 2020, 08:00 Daniel Gregg Lopes da Silva

Students did a diagnostic test in class.

Further Info

29 Janeiro 2020, 12:00 David Michael Greer

Piece to write at home: Write something based on “You’ve got to laugh, haven’t you?” Send by Sun 9th Feb by email: 10-15 lines.

Email etiquette.

Student introductions

Learning styles

29 Janeiro 2020, 10:00 Gaile Parkin

Exploration of learning styles (visual, auditory, kinaesthetic); questionnaire for students to discover/confirm their own learning styles. Homework: informal essay introducing self.