
Introduction Class

29 Janeiro 2019, 10:00 David Alan Prescott

Introduction and explanation of aims:

1. Aims of Course


The overall aim of this semester unit in English C1.1 will be to allow students to show that they are of the standard required to be awarded a positive mark in English C1.1 according to the descriptors set out in the Common European Framework. Broadly this means that students should be able to write confidently and fluently with a minimum of grammar mistakes, and should be capable of analysing and discussing issues of relative complication in an intelligent manner.


Textual analysis will lead to oral and written work of relevance. This analysis should not only be receptive; thus there will be the presenting of some help towards students adopting a critical approach towards the several different texts, as well as teaching around the matters contained in the excerpts for discussion.


2. Specific Approach


Classroom activity will be centred on textual analysis and discussion, preparing and writing an essay and a comprehension and grammar teaching on matters arising.


3. Length of Course


The length of the course will be between 40 and 60 teaching hours.


4. Assessment


Assessment will be based on two elements: one written work in class, usually referred to as a test paper, and the second element, which is presence and participation in classroom activity. Please write your tests on a laptop, printing and stapling the test at the end.


Working students should purchase a copy of this anthology and keep in touch with developments. If such students complete the exercises in class, it would be extremely wise to attend those classes during which I explain the mistakes made. Failure to do so tends to lead to disappointment.


5. Bibliography and Dictionaries


A workbook available in the form of photocopies;

Any and as many as possible Eng-Port /Port-Eng Dictionaries;

Webster’s Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language

The following is a list of works which may be useful in the fields of writing in terms of style, punctuation and presentation.


BLAMIRES, Harry, (2000). The Penguin Guide to Plain English. Penguin, UK

CAREY, G.V., (1939). Mind the Stop: A brief guide to punctuation. Penguin, UK

KANE, Thomas S., (1988). The Oxford Essential Guide to Writing. Berkley, USA

ROBERTS, P.D., (1987). Plain English. A User's Guide. Penguin, UK

TRUSS, Lynne, (2003). Eats, Shoots and Leaves. Profile Books, UK


Lesson 1

28 Janeiro 2019, 14:00 Katarzyna Dominika Karpowicz Osowska

- Introduction to the course - contents, assessment criteria etc. 

- "I learned French entirely by ear" - reading, speaking, vocabulary, grammar (adverbs and adverbial phrases)

Homework: exs. 1 & 2 

Vocabulary from the lesson: - to brush up   - to pick up  - rusty - to grasp 


28 Janeiro 2019, 10:00 Cláudia Rute Canelas Pereira Duarte



28 Janeiro 2019, 08:00 John Richard Walker

Introduction to the course, the content, the materials, the tasks and the evaluation scheme.

Course materials available in the green photocopy shop folder 16.