Lesson 6

7 Março 2018, 12:00 Katarzyna Dominika Karpowicz Osowska

- "Universal basic income is becoming an urgent necessity" - reading, speaking, vocabulary (pp. 32-35)

- "To cut a long story short" (Everyday English) (pp. 29-30) 

- exs. 1 & 3 p. 31

Vocabulary from the lesson: 

- I´ll put the kettle on. 

Universal/unconditional basic income:

- conducive to 
- idle, idleness
- feassible
- onerous
- a pilot (a pilot project) 
- to roll out (a scheme, a policy) 

- a complete and utter/an outright embarassment/disaster
- I came across as a blithering idiot.
- My career´s totally ruined. 
- I´ll never be able to show my face again. 

- Or, to put it another way...
- that is to say,...
- in other words,..
- What I meant by that,...

- in a nutshell
- all things considered
- to cut a long story short