Lesson 7

12 Março 2018, 12:00 Katarzyna Dominika Karpowicz Osowska

- "It takes all sorts" - reading + speaking + grammar: noun phrases (pp. 92-93) 

- "I see where you´re coming from" (Everyday English) (pp. 97-98) 

- exs. 1-5 p. 93
- exs. a-c p. 99 
- read "Ýour animal life is over. Machine life has begun´. The road to immortality" (pp. 100-106)

Vocabulary from the lesson: 
- "It takes all sorts":  blurred, rickety, deft, skimpy, ill-assorted, rambling, burtsting at the seams, far-off days 
- Being tactful in formal discussions: if you don´t mind me saying so, I see where you´re coming from, but..., Don´t take this personally, I do take your point, but..., I beg to differ, No offence intended, but..., With all due respect..., I mean that in the nicest possible way.., I´m afraid I have to say..., That´s not the way I see it...
- You´re telling me! Tell me about it! You´ve hit the nail on the head!
- to (not) be (particularly) forthcoming, to be a hard nut to crack, to be like trying to get blood out of a stone