Lesson 11

28 Março 2016, 12:00 Katarzyna Dominika Karpowicz Osowska

- Vocabulary exercise - pp. 197-198

- "Rudeness" - listening, speaking, grammar, vocabulary (p. 72)

- Grammar: Ellipsis (pp. 73-74)

- Feedback on the homework assignments

- Homework: read the short story "Fifty-seven" by Rachel Kushner (pp. 75-85)

Vocabulary from the lesson:

- to form orderly queues/to stand in a queue
- good table manners
- to be on one's best behaviour
- rowdy parties
- loutish behaviour
- a hooligan, a lout, a thug, a hoodlum, a ruffian
 - to get into (serious) trouble
- to cause offence
- to use foul language
- to kick the cat
- to barge