Lesson 13

4 Abril 2016, 12:00 Katarzyna Dominika Karpowicz Osowska

- "Technology and change" - vocabulary, speaking (p. 86)

- "How Google raced ahead" - reading + video (p. 87)

- Scenario: A radio debate about technology (pp. 91-93)

- "Digital wonderland" - listening + Grammar: Spoken English (pp. 98)

- Homework: exs. 2-5 pp. 97-98

Lesson from the class:

- behind the times
- cutting-edge
- new-fangled
- old-hat
- outmoded, outdated
- state-of-the-art

Idioms with get:
- to get sb down
- to get on sb's nerves
- to get the hang of sth
- to get on like a house on fire
- to get off to a flying start