Editorial Writing - Revision

22 Abril 2021, 17:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today we reviewed the fundamental characteristics of editorial writing in order to prepare for the upcoming Editorial Writing Test which will take place on the 30th of April at FLUL in the Sala Lindley Cintra.

Key things to remember when writing your Editorial Writing text:
  • your editorial must be related to a current event or something that happened to you personally in the very recent past;
  • it should clearly express your opinion on the matter;
  • you should ensure academic fluency (that each idea flows logically to the next, each paragraph to the next);
  • you should ensure that the concluding paragraph repeats the main idea expressed in the first paragraph, of that it answers the question expressed in the first paragraph;
  • the writing needs to be informal:
    • please use contractions;
    • using personal pronouns to refer to yourself (i.e. 'I') or to the reader (i.e. 'you') are welcome (indeed, you are expected to refer to yourself at some point);
    • slang, swear words, sarcasm, irony, figures of speech, humour are all welcome provided they are used in moderation and with intelligence.
Today we read and analyzed an excellent and very recent editorial written in The Guardian:
Students who missed today's class are highly recommended to read the editorial and identify the above characteristics in the text.

Next class: we will be reading/analyzing two editorials by our very own students in TP13 (with their permission, of course).