Essay Writing Test Revision - Part 1

28 Abril 2021, 17:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today we went through the DOs and DON'Ts of Essay writing:

The DOs

  • —Remember to put your thesis statement/essay question in last sentence of 1st paragraph.
  • —Academic fluency.
  •  —Concluding paragraph repeats the main idea/answers the question expressed in the first paragraph.
  •  —Quotes are obligatory – please use at least 2.
  •  —Please remember your in-text citations. (e.g. Eusébio: 2021)
  •  —Bibliography is obligatory.
  •  —Formal writing obligatory.

The DON’Ts

  • NO contractions
  • NO Personal pronouns referring to yourself or reader.
  • NO Slang, swear words, sarcasm, irony, figures of speech, humour.
We then read Oleksandra Butyrska's excellent essay "Education for life and work".  Anyone who missed today's class can read Oleksandra's essay which has been uploaded to the shared drive.