How to Write an Essay

10 Março 2021, 17:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today we learned about how to write an essay.

Students who missed today's class should read their course book very carefully from pages 33 to 41.

Here are the topics for the essay that is due on the 24th of March (students are to pick ONE topic and write an essay about it):

Homework assignment: Write 500-800 words on one of the following topics.

  • Descriptive essay topics: (you can refer to the texts that we read in class or other texts to support your opinions)
    1. Discuss how British society has changed over the last decades. 
    2. Discuss the differences between how British and American people define their sense of identity
  • For and Against essay topics:
    1. Some people say that text messages, twittering and emails are an accepted part of the language we use in our everyday lives. Others say that they are destroying our ability to spell and write properly. Comment.
    2. Some people believe that education is always a good thing, whatever the course studied. Others claim that only those who are studying medicine, IT or law have good job opportunities and that other courses are a waste of time.
    3. A lot of young people are choosing to live at home while studying at university. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living at home or moving away from home whilst studying.
    4. Some people think governments should make laws such as banning smoking, making people wear seat belts in cars and taxing fast food. Others complain that, as long as they don't hurt anyone else, people should be allowed to make up their own minds about how they lead their lives.
  • Opinion essay topics:
    1. Some people say eating meat is wrong. Others say it's natural. What do you think?
    2. Some people claim that the public has the right to know about private lives of celebrities. Others disagree.
    3. Cloning is the solution to our health problems.
    4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of arranged marriages in 21st century society?
Next class: we will continue to learn how to write an essay.