Introduction to C1.1 English

27 Janeiro 2021, 17:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Those students who missed the first day of class should read the information below very carefully and consult the course calendar which is in the course book and which is available on the shared google drive.

Today TP13 went through the course book and course calendar and learned the following:
  • Warning:
    • In light of the Covid-19 pandemic, I hereby declare that all learning objectives, lessons, scheduling, assessments, etc., can be changed at any point in the semester by myself, Hilda Alexandra Eusébio.  This is because classes are now 1.5 hours instead of 2 hrs. and this is new to me.  Also, our class may eventually go back to being in-house, which could change things.  Please be patient with any future changes or surprises – and I will try to respond to your learning needs as best as I can.

  • Rules:
    • Punctuality

      Please get to class on time.  If you cannot make it on time, please come to class anyway.  I would rather you come late than not come at all.  Please note that if you come late and I have already done the register, it is your responsibility to ask me to add you to the register at the end of class.  If you forget to remind me, please do not bother telling me next class – I cannot add you to the register after the class has finished.  If you are more than 30 minutes late, you will be marked as ‘late’ in the register, not as ‘present’.


      Please bring your course book to class.  You must either print the course book out or you can bring a laptop or tablet.  Accessing your course book on your mobile phone is not allowed.  If we are zooming are classes, you will definitely need to print out your course book, unless you have two laptops or PCs at home.


      Please do not plagiarize either for homework assignments or for tests.  You will be caught if you do.  You will not enjoy being caught.  Being caught will result in a mark of ‘0’ and you will not be allowed to retake the test or redo the assignment or the oral presentation.

      (Yes, I always catch people.)


      Active participation in both class and group discussions is not only reflected in your final mark but it also ensures you develop fluency and confidence. This is an English language course. Do not speak Portuguese in class with either your classmates or your teacher.


      Please ensure that you know what is going on at all times.  Students are to check their emails regularly and come to class prepared for the lesson.  In the event that a student misses a class, s/he should read the online summaries (sumários) in order to know what we did or to be updated on any important information.  (Please do not email me personally to ask what happened in class.  The summaries are there for a reason.) 

  • Course Program and Regulations:
    • Aims

      • To further develop the students’ abilities to interact with longer texts and to fluently respond both orally and in writing within well structured and organized formats in various contexts whether academic, social and/or professional. Reading, writing, listening, speaking and academic skills will be integrated in order for students to develop fluency, efficiency and effectiveness in communication at near mastery level.

    • Course Content and Resources
      • Although we might deal with grammatical problems common to the group as a whole, you might find that you have difficulty with specific grammar structures. Do ask for help, but, ultimately, as a university student, you are expected to supplement the work done in class and consolidate your understanding of grammar structures by referring to a suitable grammar book.
    • Bibliography
      • Set Reading: Torday, Paul (2007) Salmon Fishing in the Yemen, UK: Phoenix.
    • Appropriate Grammars:
      • Hewings, M. (2005) Advanced Grammar in Use, Cambridge: CUP

      • Foley, M. and Hall, D. (2003) Advanced Learners’ Grammar, Harlow: Longman

    • Appropriate Dictionaries

      • Cambridge International Dictionary of English
      • Collins Cobuild Dictionary of English Language
      • Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture
      • Oxford Advances Learner’s Dictionary of Current English
      • The New Penguin English Dictionary
      • Collins Thesaurus
      • Penguin Dictionary of English Synonyms and Antonyms
  • Grading policy and course requirements

      Assessment methods include attendance and class participation, written tests, coursework (homework, compositions, essays) and an oral examination. Weighting will be as follows:

      • Attendance and class participation – 5%
      • Written assignments – 15%:
        • One editorial (5%)
        • One academic essay (5%)
        •  One academic essay on Salmon Fishing in the Yemen (5%)
      • Oxford Union-Style Debate (Oral exam) – 30%
      • Written Tests – 50%
        • One editorial composition (25%)
        •  One academic essay (25%)
    • Should you FAIL the course, you can sit the Final Exam (Época Especial) which will be in May 2021.

    • Homework assignments must have the following on the front page:
      • Student’s name;
      • Student’s class (turma)
    • Homework documents must be saved in Word (not PDF) as follows:

      • Example:

        • ana silva – editorial

        • ana silva – essay

  • Submission of Coursework
    • Written work must be word processed and double-spaced, using font size 12. It must be identified with the student’s name, name of the subject and class number, and date.  It must be uploaded onto our shared Google drive no later than MIDNIGHT on the due date.

    • If you submit work to be marked after the deadline, 1 mark will be deducted for each working day the work is late after the deadline. If you submit your work more than 5 days late, your work will not be marked, and it will be graded as zero.

    • Written work must be word processed and double-spaced, using font size 12. It must be identified with the student’s name, name of the subject and class number, and date.  It must be uploaded onto our shared Google drive no later than MIDNIGHT on the due date.

    • If you submit work to be marked after the deadline, 1 mark will be deducted for each working day the work is late after the deadline. If you submit your work more than 5 days late, your work will not be marked, and it will be graded as zero.

  • Important Dates
    • The following dates are of lessons that students cannot miss.  Worker students must ask for time off from work in advance to ensure that they can be present on these dates.
    • Note to worker students: you do not need to come to all three of the lessons allocated for the debates; you just need to come on the date of your debate.
      • 5th May – Final Test Part 1 (Editorial)
      • 6th May – Final Test Part 2 (Essay)
      • 12th May 2021 – Oxford Union-style Debate
      • 13th May 2021 – Oxford Union-style Debate
      • 14th May 2021 – Oxford Union-style Debate
    • Equally important are the dates for which you have to hand in your three assignments:
      • 24th February – Editorial Piece
      • 24th March – Essay

      • 18th April – Salmon Fishing in the Yemen Essay

Please note that all of this information is in the course book which is available, along with other important documents, on our shared google drive.  If you need me to add you to the google drive, please email me and let me know.