Summary writing

10 Outubro 2016, 10:00 Cecília Maria Beecher Martins

Finished work on "for & against" essay writing by showing corrections to students' paragraphs.
Asked students to read the section on Opinion Essays p 23 in manual and to do exercise on pp24-25 for next Monday's class

Instructions on summary writing p33 class manual. Then students carried out an animated reading of James Thurber's short story "The Secret Life of Water Mitty" and wrote a 150-word summary of this work in class. They then compared their work to a sample summary.

Established students' Oxford Union Debate teams, themes and dates

We will watch Ben Stiller's 2013 film of The Secret Life of Walter Mitty with a view to comparing it to Thurber original 1939 story. I would like the 3rd year students who have to attend a meeting on their internships to watch this film at home with a view to discussing the difference between the two version at next Monday's class.