To kill a mocking bird extract and 'Napalm Girl' facebook controversy

26 Outubro 2016, 14:00 EDUARDA MELO CABRITA

Giving back class work (creative writing).

Reading and discussing an extract from Harper Lee's To kill a mocking bird. Vocabulary, (pages 29-32 SW). [TP2]

Discussing the narrator vs author profiles in the extract, in 'A Christmas Memory and in the film 'Capote' .[TP 1 and 2]

Discussing 'The film Capote' review (The New York Times (pages 33-34 SW) [TP1]

Reading and discussing 'Mark Zuckerberg accused of abusing power after Facebook deletes Napal Girl post' (pages 39-42 SW) [TP 1 and 2]

Reading and discussing 'No pardon for Edward Snowden' (The Washington Post) and 'The Washington Post  is wrong: Edward Snowden should be pardoned' (pages 41-45 SW) [TP1]

NB next Monday class starts at 8 0'clock for TP 1 and at 2 p.m. for TP2.