Essay Writing

13 Março 2017, 16:00 Cecília Maria Beecher Martins

Returned students corrected essays on "The Advantages and Disadvantages of Foreign Aid" and discussed corrections with students.

Instructed students to rewrite their essays with corrections incorporated and to return both by Monday 20th March.

Because of this students will ony submit their essays on Walter Mitty on 27th March.

Finished watching Bem Stiller's "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" and discussed diferences between the two.

Discussed the historic context of both the short story and the film and also watched some excerpts of Screwball comedy movies to demonstrate what people were watching at the time e.g. Frank Capra's "It Happened One Night" (19364),  George Cukor's "The Philadelphia Story" (1940) and Frank Borzage's "Desire" (1936). We also discussed the differences in the way women are represented in the Slapstick comedy movies and Screwball comedy and the bearing this might have on Mrs. Mitty.

Students have to decide on theme and title of essay for next class.