1. Objectives: Students completing this course should:
o be able to understand language in subjects related to the materials discussed;
o describe events and opinions with fluency;
o be able to follow and take part in debates;
o form and express an opinion based on evidence and critical thinking;
o broaden linguistic knowledge in terms of register and formality and of more complex grammatical structures;
o understand aspects of English culture and how it articulates with language;
2. General topic for the course: Crime Fiction
general theme for the course will be crime/thriller novels throughout
the last century with the objective of developing a critical sense of
language and how it is expressed by different authors. The syllabus also
includes video resources to ensure the variety of exposure to spoken
English and to increase students’ knowledge of vocabulary and register.
The course also includes a section on the crimes of grammar, where the
structure, motive and solution to mistakes are analysed to be better
understood and corrected.
3. Evaluation
Test 1 – Final Debate 30%
Test 2 – Final Essay 30%
Participation in class + 2 assignments 40%
4. Materials
Material for class will be available for photocopy in the Reprografia Vermelha and a shared drive.