Essay writing practice
7 Outubro 2019, 16:00 • Cecília Maria Beecher Martins
Discussed the steps and procedures of essay writing.
Then students brainstormed individually for 6 minutes (3 minutes in favour, 3 minutes against) the theme “Students should study their country’s classics in middle and high school”
They produced the following points, which they then began writing an essay on. They will complete this at home and we will correct their work in the next class
“Students should study their country’s classics in middle and high school”
Yes: Insight into a country’s history & culture, Highlights national literary figures, Enriches vocabulary
No: Can dissuade students from reading these authors in the future, Boring, Irrelevant today, too difficult
Writing styles do not always follow grammar rules/old fashioned, excluding the classics of other countries impoverishes education
Conclusion: classics but the choice of the works/media must be relevant and age appropriate