Writing descriptive texts

30 Outubro 2019, 16:00 Cecília Maria Beecher Martins

We discussed how descriptive and narrative texts are different and the diverse "seeing" techniques that writers carry out to produce their descriptive texts. We looked at examples of these (e.g. J.K. Rowling's dementors and the character of Voldemort) and how they propel the texts they are present in. 

We looked at examples of descriptive texts in the course book (clown, Gregory, tube)- discussing the advantages and disadvantages of each, and discussed how these might be improved. 

Students then compiled their descriptive text on the Blond Guitar using some of the phases in the course book - we discussed how it was necessary to decide which orientation the descriptive text would have (i.e. would it refer to the physical object, the practice of playing the guitar or the writer's emotional connection to the guitar) to write a coherent text. We discussed the importance of "seeing" before making this decision because if we made that decision first, we would only see things related to this and the depth of expression would be different.