Screening of Cameron Crowe's film Elizabethtown (2005)

8 Março 2018, 14:00 Cecília Maria Beecher Martins

Screening of Cameron Crowe's film Elizabethtown (2005)- which the author says questions "what it really means to be alive in America today?"

The purpose of this screening was to broaden the dscussion of the American dream and the concept of what it means to be American today. I distributed extracts from the director's notes on why and how he wrote the screenplay for this movie and on the filming of certain scenes. 

This activity was in preparation for Tuesday's class where every student will have to make a 2-minute presentation on one of the following:1) the texts already discussed2) Elizabethtown and the concept of the American dream3) the 3 texts on pages 54-60 in the manual on the American dream and what it means to be an American.As indicated in the course program this activity will be graded as part of the continuous assessment.