
Actors on Acting 2

16 Outubro 2024, 15:30 David Michael Greer

Student feedback on the Robert de Niro and the Cate Blanchet texts

Actors on Acting 1

14 Outubro 2024, 15:30 David Michael Greer

Student feedback on the Judi Dench and Meryl Streep texts

A + B Blank Canvas Completion

9 Outubro 2024, 15:30 David Michael Greer

Performing the remaining A+Bs.

Setting up the Actors on Acting groups.

A + B Blank Canvas

7 Outubro 2024, 15:30 David Michael Greer

Performing some A+B Butter scenes.

A+ B Blank Canvas

2 Outubro 2024, 15:30 David Michael Greer

Student feedback on Chekhov technique
Rehearsing A+ B blank canvas
Reminder of Diagnostic Text deadline.